From space, Earth looks like a blue marble with white swirls and areas of brown, yellow, green, and white. The blue is water, which covers about 71 percent of Earth’s surface. The white swirls are clouds. The areas of brown, yellow, and green are land. This month we are learning so much about our world…


This week we will build our vocabulary understanding. This helps lay the foundation for literacy and language development. Vocabulary is more than saying or reading words; it is about understanding the meaning of words and connecting them to the world. Experience Early Learning Curriculum continues to provide us with great projects that are fun! LETTER…

Animals A-E

This month we will be learning a letter a day! Taking an adventure learning about different animals. My kids love animals!!! This month we are learning about phonological awareness. This begins in the early years of a child’s life and continues to build as they enter kindergarten. LETTER A – ALLIGATOR HABITAT Where do alligators…


Clean, fresh water is a valuable resource and a basic need for all living things. Simple routines and games help children learn about the importance of water and how they can conserve it. This week we investigated the states of water and learned about the rainbow and water conservation. We also finished up this month…

On The Lake

Lakes are home to many plants and animals and are a means of transportation and food. This week we learned about fishing, sailboats, swimming, duck, and rocks. We started off the week by fishing for shapes. We cut our shapes and put them face down on the table and our kids would pick up a…

Down The River

This week we investigated life in the river, beavers, ducks, and alligators. We also worked on alphabetic knowledge, number sense, visual arts, and writing. With Experience Early Learning Curriculum we are given daily discovery bags with each activity bagged by day. We use our chart to see which hands-on materials are featured. We will write…


Butterflies are loved and admired by children and adults. They are magical! One of our favorite things about butterflies is that they have so many different colors and are never the same design. This week, we learned about the Monarch, Swallowtail, Blue Morpho, Peacock Butterfly, and a Butterfly House. Also reviewing letters K, M, and…


From egg to butterfly! One of my favorite things to learn about! The opportunity to watch and learn about a caterpillar changing into a butterfly has always been fascinating to me. Learning about the life cycle of a butterfly is an essential life science concept. This week we learn about the butterfly egg, caterpillar, chrysalis,…


So much to learn when learning about our outside world. I enjoy teaching outside and would love to have an outdoor classroom but until then we will take our learning wherever we go! This month we are learning a lot about life science, exploring nature with my kids, and asking open-ended questions. This week we…

BEES and WASP – Week 2

Teaching with Experience Early Learning Curriculum is an awesome way for kids to learn hands-on. These experiences that this curriculum provides all of the hands-on activities, and opportunities to play and engage in inquiry and wonder. Our children were so surprised to learn how many different types of bees there were. SMALL GROUP LITERACY How…